The Price of Passion | A Poem About Creative Careers

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Photo by Paolo Raeli

my father sits me down during dinner
his gaunt face blankly staring at me
he reminds me of
the bleak, penniless life of a writer
I no longer want to eat

my grandmother and I are having tea
her warm smile can cure any heartache
she tells me one of her stories about life in China
this one is about a past love
she suggests more “practical” jobs
I could pursue
she is no longer smiling

my mother
who despises her job
“You’re eating now
but what about when you have no money left?"

all I see though are long nights
at the office
my eyes strained from the harsh, bright lights
stiff from hours at a cubicle
forcing myself to live for the sake of a wage
life does not move with
my heartbeat
but a paycheck
love comes in dollar bills
sanity is a small price to pay

I’m sorry that my heart swells with passion
that my chest beams with courage
I don’t cry the tears of
my mother
my father
my peers
who have never tasted fulfillment
but of a storyteller whose tongue
is coated with the purest of love
my income is my breath
words are my heartbeat
and I am ready to live

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