BANGS: Bad Ass Shoes & A Mission

All Photos Taken From BANGS' Instagram

There’s a saying that goes the “eyes are the window to the soul”.  That may be true; however, I’ve personally found that one’s shoes are much easier to read than their eyes and can oftentimes tell just as much about an individual.  I’ve gone so far as developing crushes just based off of a girl’s footwear.  Point is, I care about shoes. A lot.  I like to think my shoe collection is pretty varied and rather impressive.  With that being said, one of my favorite pairs is a minimalistic high-top from a small company named BANGS. 

            BANGS was founded by Hannah Davis in 2010 while teaching abroad in China.  While there, she was attracted to the “olive green, army style shoes” she saw the migrant workers wearing.  Her experience sparked the idea for a company which produces shoes that are a mix of “TOMS, Converse, and Vans”.  The shoes are sleek and minimalistic.  They look good and work well with most anything while maintaining a unique sense of style.  The folks at BANGS are big promoters of both adventure and travel, and the shoes, while being fashionable, are definitely well prepared for both.  They are comfortable, high quality, and extremely versatile.  I like mine because I know that I will be able to go anywhere and do anything with them while still looking good.

            What makes BANGS unique is that 20% of their net profits are used to invest in the start-up of small businesses across the world.  BANGS has partnered with KIVA in order to hand-select entrepreneurs from across the world and invest in their ideas in order to help start their businesses.  Hannah believes strongly in the concept of “teaching a man to fish”, and has been rewarded for her efforts by receiving 99% repayment of her loans.  This indicates success from the businesses developed.  The money received as repayment is never pocketed but always used again to invest in others.  The company has already begun making a sizable difference and has so far helped 122 individuals in 38 countries begin their own businesses, changing their lives as well as those of their families and those they are connected with. 

            I like shoes and I like BANGS.  Their shoes will always be a staple in my closet because of their minimalistic appeal as well as the impact they are making in our world.

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