To the Young and Daring

              Photo by: Willow Greene

It's crazy to think that we have come this far. No matter where you are in your life right now, good or bad, you have come this far.
I don't think some of us give ourselves the credit that we deserve. Well I'm here to tell you, that you damn well deserve it.

We are at this point in life where we are figuring ourselves out. To be honest, I don't think we ever stop figuring ourselves out no matter how old we become. Everyday we somehow manage to learn something new about ourselves that we didn't know before. But that's what makes life so interesting. It keeps us on our toes. 

We don't know what we want. We don't know what we want to do for the rest of our lives. We don't know everything that we are possibly capable of. We don't know how to get to where we want to be.
But somehow, somewhere, there is this tiny spark in us that allows us to move ourselves beyond our darkest fear. That being, our passion. We all have one whether we realize it or not. Some may grow into theirs while others know theirs from the very second they are born. While having a passion may be usual, following it is not. Most are afraid to face their passion. They are afraid to face what could be on the other side of it.

To those who have the courage to follow that passion of theirs, well here is a toast to you. It takes guts. It takes commitment. It takes dedication. It takes doubt. It takes tears. It takes all-nighters. It takes satisfaction. And most importantly, it takes faith.

We believe in ourselves enough to give ourselves a shot of what we may be absolutely fantastic at. The daring, you know who you are, are not afraid to try while most people are. Rejection? We are past that. Failing? No such thing. Waste of time? Can't be if you are having fun. Never let anyone make you think that you are not good enough. While they are limiting themselves, you are testing your limits.

The young is so full of hope and potential. We are creators. Filmmakers. Artists. Influencers. Leaders. Innovators. Writers. Designers. Photographers. Entrepreneurs. Game Changers.
We are more than we can imagine.

And so what if it doesn't work out? At least we can say we had the guts to try.

So to the young and daring,

Keep being a boss ass bitch.

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