An Interview with William Klenk


MAD SOUNDS: To start off, what equipment do you use? Would you recommend it to other fellow photographers? 
William Klenk: Right now I use a Canon 6D and a 50mm 1.8. The 6D is an amazing body, and a full frame, which is one of the most important features for someone who is interested in taking their photography to the next level. The 1.8 is a great lens for the price, but I would recommend spending the couple extra hundred for the 1.4. 

MS: Do you have any particular locations in which you prefer shooting? 
I live near Phoenix, Arizona, so I really try to take advantage of the washed out urban areas that Arizona has to offer. I definitely prefer shooting in locations that you wouldn't normally find aesthetically pleasing, and utilizing that to turn it into something beautiful and unexpected. 

MS: Do you prefer indoor or outdoor shoots? 
Outdoor for sure. The only exception being my studio. 

MS: Who are some of your favorite photographers? 
Right now my favorite photographers are Gavriel Maynard, Ted Emmons, and David Urbanke. I recommend checking them out, they are all extremely talented. 

MS: Where do you find inspiration for your photos? 
I find inspiration in almost everything. Music, landscapes, people, art, magazines, books, and especially architecture. 

MS: What particular models do you enjoy utilizing in your photos?
I really enjoy using models who you don’t fit into the typical commercial model look. In my opinion, the most beautiful aspect about a person is their imperfections, because that’s what makes them unique. The more unique the better. 

MS: What has been your favorite shoot that you have done thus far? 
My favorite shoot up to date is one that I did in Amsterdam. The Netherlands is my favorite country in the world, so doing the thing that I love the most, in the place that I love the most, was truly an incredible experience.

MS: What is your dream equipment? 
I actually have my dream camera body already, but my dream lens in a 85mm 1.2. 

MS: Although the equipment doesn't make the photographer, which do you find to be more important, a good lens or a good camera? 
The lens and body are equally important in my opinion. If you spend all of your money on a breathtaking lens, and end up with a cheap body, or vice versa, then you obviously will not achieve the best result possible. 

MS: Describe some of your editing processes. What are your favorite programs to utilize and how do you edit your photos? 
I use Photoshop CS6 to edit all of my photos, and basically swear by the Curves and Selective Color tools. I actually alter the colors of my photos a lot, but try to keep the image itself to look as natural as possible. 

MS: Which style of photography is your favorite? For what reasons? 
Fashion, for sure. I’ve always been drawn to the diversity and beauty that fashion photography has to offer. 

MS: Do you hope to incorporate photography into your future? 
I would love to pursue a career in photography, but I don’t know if that’s a realistic goal. 
I would be just as happy to have an office job during the day and have photography as somewhat of a side job. No matter what, I feel that photography will be a large part of my future life. 

MS: If you could create your dream photoshoot, of what would it consist? 
My dream photoshoot would definitely be in a very urban/industrial location, with Hugh William Stewart as the stylist, Gucci Westman as the makeup artist, and a very individualistically beautiful model, like Kelly Mittendorf. 

MS: In your opinion, what makes a good photograph?
The most essential factor for a good photograph, in my opinion, is when the photo itself either tells a story or makes you feel something. People constantly stress out over composition, lighting, ext., but none of that matters if the photo has no substance. Take photos as much as possible. It doesn't matter when or where... just shoot.

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