Social Media: We Have the Power

Photo by Kate Opre for Mad Sounds Issue 16 - Youth & Lust

I get it, social media is addicting. We love posting our meals, our selfies, pictures from a night out with our "squad", and pictures of the sunset. We love snapping our every move, for some reason we like letting people know what we do every second whether we admit it or not. Nothing is wrong with that, it's harmless. We are simply using these platforms for what is was created for. We love sharing our moments with our friends and families from all over the web. But this is what I don't understand:

Why are people wasting their time and energy on social media putting up hateful things, saying things they don't really mean, making negative-drama filled statuses/posts, or making ignorant comments on something they know absolutely nothing about? As the saying goes, “you get what you give”. By using social media as a negative outlet, you are only drawing negative attention your way. I will never understand why people enjoy letting others know what drama they have in their lives. Why do people go out of their way to bash, target, or make fun of someone who doesn’t even know they exist? You are only spending your precious time and energy on them, while they are not even thinking twice about you. Why is it also so hard for people to just move on when they come across something they do not like? Just because you don't like it or don't understand it, doesn't mean that it is wrong or deserves hate. I am fully aware that social media is mainly used as an expressive outlet. I'm not saying that you can't voice your opinions and views, but do so in a manner that is respectful criticism. 

You may be one that looks at social media as something that has corrupted us all. You probably wish you could go back in time where social media wasn't a thing, but guess what? You can't. It is a crucial and functional tool of our growing society and it is up to you to make the best of it. If you use it in a negative context, you will only view it in a negative context.  

To me, social media is one of our greatest tools we have been given. You can educate millions, spread love and positivity across cities, states, and countries, support talents, connect with your greatest inspirations and idols, bring awareness, create content that can go viral, form a unique bond with people from all over, be more involved, start a business or campaign, keep track of your memories, and inspire and motivate people just by the simple click of a button. It has widened the world we live in. 

So if you didn’t know by now, you have the power to choose how you use these simple yet powerful outlets.

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